Mdoreh changes Cryptocurrency Escrow to 4 SEP.

Initially a 3 Stage Escrow Process (S.E.P), have decided to change the operations of the Crypto currency Escrow to a 4 Stage Escrow Process. The Managing director of Mdoreh, Krugar Deen, saw the dangers in adopting the 3 S.E.P for cryptocurrencies and advised on the need to make the changes. What does this mean? […]

Mdoreh hires 3 additional Brokers, partners with RapNet

Mdoreh, on its last meeting with management, Krugar Deen who is the Managing Director decided to hire 3 new brokers  Hassan Khalid, Jennifer Haggar and Adraine Ramona with 0.5%, 0.7% and 0.9%  shares respectively to oversee more transaction on Mdoreh. The brokers were to resume activities on the 5th of July 2017 starting with smaller escrow transactions[…..]